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The Type A+ Podcast Episode 47 - A Master Class in Type A+ Finances with Kahlil Dumas of UNSTUCKKD

As a Type A person, financial planning can be an extremely daunting task. Some of us anxiously avoid talking about or evaluating our finances, and some of us over-monitor ourselves to the point of exhaustion. If you're anything like Beth, you may end up between the two depending on your current situation. This week's guest will help change that. As the CEO of UNSTUCKKD, host of the UNSTUCKKD Podcast, CPO at Her First $100K and Senior Product Advisor to 1AND1, Kahlil Dumas wears many hats.

KD's multifaceted background has led him to pursue an array of passions, and to help countless entrepreneurs build profitable, revenue goal-crushing businesses. In all of his work, Kahlil aims to demystify finances for everyone, and noticed a few key patterns that are holding Type A people back in their personal and business goals.

Beth and Kahlil chat about "The Tiger in the Bush," getting Unstuckkd and unblocked with money, and the little habits that drive big change.

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