Please closely review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy below so you know how to use this website.

Nature of this Site

This site is for guidance only and is not to be used as a source of authority for any of the contents described on the site. This website and its attached blog contain content that may be changed at any time without notice to the user. Such changes may include website content, as well as conversations and comments.

Opinionated Content

This website and blog contain the opinions of Beth Lawrence LLC and do not reflect the opinions or viewpoints of any of the organizations that may be identified (either explicitly or implicitly) on the website and blog as affiliates, partners, sponsors, or other similar entities that we may be affiliated with.

Terms of Use

The information contained on this website and blog are accurate and true to the best of Beth Lawrence LLC’s knowledge, however there may be omissions, errors, or mistakes. Beth Lawrence LLC is not responsible for any action taken by user based on information obtained through this site or blog.

The info presented on this blog is for entertainment and/or general informational purposes only and shouldn’t be construed as any source of advice such a medical, legal, tax, emotional or other types of professional services advice. User relies upon any information contained on the site or at user’s own risk.

Hold Harmless Clause

Beth Lawrence LLC is only certified as a Certified Meeting Planner. Any other opinions or content shall not be construed as or be substituted for professional advice on any other topics including, but not limited to, law, medicine, finance. Before taking action based on information received from this website or blog, user should consult with a professional to discuss the physical, legal, and/or financial impacts of such action. Any personal accounts, opinions, insights, and suggestions from this post are for informational purposes only and should not be construed to be imparting any professional advice outside the scope of that information appropriate to be conveyed by a Certified Meeting Planner. For issues arising outside the scope of the Certified Meeting Planner certification, please consult with a professional before taking any sort of action.

Not a Professional

Beth Lawrence, LLC reserves the right to change the processes and procedures utilized by this website and blog at any time and in any manner. how we manage or run this blog. We may change the focus or content on this blog at any time.

Reservation of Rights